Using Multiple Attribute Filter Expressions
The way that multiple attribute comparisons and multiple attribute expressions are joined together in an attribute filter will impact the results of the structure filtering action.
Multiple Comparisons in a Attribute Query Expression
The Attribute Query Expression window allows users to create multiple attribute to attribute value comparisons in a single attribute filter expression. Each of the attribute to value comparisons is joined with an AND operator. Parts shown in a filtered part structure must satisfy all of the comparisons.
For example, if a user wants to see all of the parts in “released” state that have the word “shaft” in the name attribute they would create the following two attribute to attribute value comparisons in an attribute query expression:
Name = *shaft*
State = Released
The attribute query expression in the Attribute Filter tab of the Edit Filter window would appear as follows:
Name = *shaft* AND State = Released
The word “AND” that joins the two halves of this expression indicates that the parts to be displayed in the filtered part structure must include the word “shaft” in the name attribute value and the state attribute must be “Released.”
Multiple Attribute Query Expressions in an Attribute Filter
The Attribute Filter tab in the Edit Filter window allows users to create attribute filters with multiple attribute query expressions. Each attribute query expression appearing in the expression table is joined with an OR operator. Parts that satisfy any of the attribute query expressions are shown in a filtered part structure.
For example, suppose a user wants to see a filtered part structure showing only purchased parts. The Source attribute has three values, Buy, Buy-Single Source, and Make. A part structure filtered using the following two attribute query expressions joined with an OR operator shows all purchased parts:
Source = Buy
Source = Buy-Single Source
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