Policy Administration
The Policy Administration utility is used to manage administrative domains and the access control, indexing, and notification policies for those domains. An administrative domain is an area that defines a set of administrative policies. A policy is a collection of rules for types of objects within a domain. Objects associated with a domain are subject to its policies.
For the details on what domains are defined for each out-of-the-box Windchill context template, see Administering Domains and Policies.
The Policy Administration utility operates within the confines of the context from which it is launched. You begin policy administration in the Policy Administration window, which is available from the Utilities page for each context. From this window, you have access to the following domains:
The domains that are in the current context
The ancestor domains of the domains in the current context
The Domains pane displays domains in a tree view which is open to the domains at the top of the domain hierarchy within the current context. The current context appears in the search field next to the Context drop-down list, which has Single Context selected.
From the Domains pane, you can create a new domain, or edit, move, or delete a domain. Not all actions are available for every domain. For more information about these actions, see Domain Administration.
Click on a domain’s name to display a pane to the right with the rules associated with the domain. The rules pane includes the following tabs: Access Control Rules, Indexing Rules, and Notification Rules.
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