Traced To Table
The Traced To table is available as a customizable tab on the information page of parts, options, and choices. You can view this table by selecting Customize > Related Objects > Traced To. In the Traced To table, you can view and manage traces between Windchill traceable objects and external resources. External resources can be requirements or architecture resources from external system OSLC servers, such as Windchill RV&S, IBM Rational Doors NG, and Windchill Modeler. Traces indicate a dependency between upstream external items and downstream Windchill traceable objects. To use traces, your Windchill system must be integrated with the external system.
For more information, see Digital Product Traceability.
Three types of trace link are supported:
Allocate—Links a high-level part or assembly and a high-level remote requirement domain item.
Satisfy—Links a Windchill traceable object and a remote requirement domain item, where the Windchill object fulfills the traced item.
Implement—Links a Windchill traceable object and a remote architecture domain item.
For more information about traces, see Traces Tab and Working with Traces.
The Manage Trace Links profile action controls the visibility of the following actions available on the Traced To table.
addition sign Add Traces
red line Remove Traces
red diamond icon Mark As Suspect
red diamond icon with line across it Clear Suspect
The administrators control the visibility of these actions through standard profiles and monitor the usage through license profiles.
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