Contexts Table
Use the Contexts table to add a context reference to an object. When you add a context reference to an object, that object is searchable from the Network table of the related context using the Search for Related Objects action. You can also use this table to notify owners of the related contexts about important changes.
When you create a context reference, you define the network relationship of the context you are referencing to the current object. This Relation attribute can be used to narrow search results when searching from the Network table, but has no other effect outside the Contexts table.
The Contexts table is available on the information page of most objects. To view the Contexts table, you must create a new information page tab and select Customize > Related Objects > Contexts.
You can configure tables in different ways. For more information about working with tables, see Using Tables.
The columns in the Contexts table provide basic information about each context in the table. Often, table columns correspond to the attributes of the object displayed. For more information, see Object Attributes.
Actions are available from the Contexts table toolbar and the right-click actions menu in individual table rows.
The availability of actions depends on the object status, user permission, and the object type.
Remove the association between the object and the referenced context.
Add Related Context
Create a new context reference relationship. From the Add Related Context window, complete the following fields:
Context—Click the find icon to search for the context you want to reference. For more information, see Finding a Context.
Relation—Use the drop-down menu to indicate the relationship of the object to the context you are referencing. This attribute is helpful when conducting network searches:
Related—The object is related to work being done in the referenced context.
Managed—The object is dependent on work being done in the referenced context.
Used—The object is shared or reused in the referenced context.
Description—Enter a description of the context reference.
Edit Related Context
Open the Edit Related Context window from which you can edit the fields listed above. This action is available from the right-click actions menu.
Send Notification to All Related Context Owners
Send a brief email message to the owners of the referenced contexts.
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