Defining a Property Value
The property value specifies the attributes and associations that should be carried over for the action and part type defined in the property key.
The property value is configured as follows.
Property Configuration for Part Attributes
WCTYPE|<specify fully qualified class name of part, part master, or part usage>~<specify MBA for modelled or standard attribute or IBA for reusable attribute>|<specify the internal name of attribute to be carried over>
In case of transformation actions like New Downstream Part and New Downstream Branch, the attributes are carried automatically from upstream to downstream. The application does not check if there is a property defined explicitly to carry over the attributes. However, you need to configure properties to carry over associations, such as documents.
The following examples define property values for carrying over attributes of a part and part subtype.
Carries over the value of the modelled attribute source defined for a part, where source is the internal name of the attribute.
Carries over the value of the reusable attribute cost defined for a part, where cost is the internal name of the attribute.
Carries over the value of the classification attributes defined for a part.
Carries over the value of the standard or local attributes defined for a part, where typeInfoWTPart.ptc_str_1 is the internal name of the attribute.
To obtain the internal name of a standard or local attribute, use the value in Database Columns specified for that attribute created for a part in the Type and Attribute Management utility.
For example, if the value in Database Columns is ptc_str_1typeInfoWTPart, specify the internal name in the property in the format typeInfoWTPart.ptc_str_1. The portion of the value that appears after the number is added in the beginning, followed by a dot (.) and the rest of the value. For more information on accessing attribute information in the Type and Attribute Management utility, see Attribute Information Page.
Part subtype
Carries over the value of the defaultUnit attribute defined for SubSoftType, which is a subtype of the subtype SoftType. When defining a value, the internal name of each subtype is separated from the internal name of its parent type using a pipe(|).
Property Configuration for Part Associations
WCTYPE|<specify fully qualified class name of part, part master, or part usage>~<MBA>|<specify the association to be carried over>|<specify the internal name of association>
The following are examples of definition of property values to carry over associations of part, part master, and part usage from upstream to downstream.
Carries over described by documents associated with an upstream part.
Carries over control characteristics associated with an upstream part.
Carries over reference documents with specific associations.
Carries over CAD documents from upstream to downstream.
For information on carrying over Part-CAD associations, see Windchill MPMLink Post Installation Instructions.
Part master
Carries over alternate parts associated with a part master.
Part usage
Carries over substitute parts associated with a part usage.
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