Life Cycle Iteration History
The Iteration History action is available from the right-click actions menu of the Life Cycle Templates table.
For more information on how life cycle templates are iterated, see Life Cycle Template Iteration.
A new window opens to display the following information:
Checked Out Status
A status indicator appears when a version is reserved for editing.
Identifies whether the life cycle is basic or advanced:
Basic life cycles include a life cycle template, phases, gates, and transitions. Advanced life cycles also define access permissions, and can be mapped to team roles and workflow processes. For more information, see Basic and Advanced Life Cycles.
Indicates the iteration number.
The comments entered by the user who checked in the iteration.
Open a read-only version in the life cycle template editor.
Modified By
The user who performed the checkout and checkin operations.
Last Modified
The date and time at which the life cycle template was last modified.
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