Editing Root Folders
When you right-click a File Server on the File Server Management page and select Edit Root Folders, the Edit Root Folders window appears.
The site name, vault name and host name appear at the top of the window. You can perform actions for each root folder using the Actions menu or by right-clicking a root folder row.
Note the following about root folders:
When you register the File Server for the first time and there are no folders under the root folder, the first physical folder is automatically created under that root folder.
If the root folder has more than one folder, an error occurs.
Following is the format of the folder path
<vault_name> = CCSVault_<site_name>
The site name is already prefixed with the organization name.
Following describes the Root Folders table:
Icons or Column
Opens the New Root Folder window, where you can specify a new root folder path or location.
Deletes the root folder whose checkbox you selected.
Seq No
Sequence number of the root folder. Sequence numbers determine the order in which the system searches for a folder in which to store content. When the system searches for a folder, it chooses a the folder with the lowest sequence number that allows write access.
Name of the root folder.
Root Folder Path
Name of the root folder path
Read Only
Yes specifies that the folder is read-only. A root folder automatically becomes read-only when the File Server is being upgraded or it is full.
The actions column is hidden by default. You can display the actions column by clicking the down arrow in one of the column headings, selecting Columns, and selecting Actions.
Displays the following actions:
Toggle Read Only—Changes the Read Only option setting.
Delete—Deletes the root folder.
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