Site Management Page
The Site Management window enables you to perform tasks affecting File Server sites. The table in the Site Management window displays rows of data for a site.
Following are columns that appear in the table and their descriptions:
Site Name
The label (This Installation) appears following the name of the site whose URL as specified in the wt.httpgw.url.anonymous property matches the site URL for the site on which you are currently a user.
M, R, P
The site's replication capabilities are indicated by symbols in the columns under M, R, and P. A plus sign (+) in the M or R column identifies the site as a main site (M) or File Server site (R) in replication. A plus sign in the P column indicates that the site is a peer site for product replication.
Product replication functionality is not available in this release.
For a product replication site, the identity of the site principal is shown. The site principal is the WTUser assigned to the site.
URL as specified in the wt.httpgw.url.anonymous property.
Key Generation Date
Date of creation of a main site's security key.
Following are the actions and options available from the Site Management window:
Opens the New Site window, which you use to create a new site.
Opens the Site Properties window, which displays the properties of the site you selected.
Opens the Update the Existing Site window for the site you selected. Use this window to change the site’s information. If you are changing the name or URL of the site, that constitutes a change in replication configuration for replication.
Deletes the site you selected from the replication system.
Opens a window for saving the key that you generated by clicking icon. After you export the key, you must make the key known to the remote site. For the steps to do this, refer to Creating and Placing Security Keys.
Generates a new pair of security keys, public and private, for the main site that you selected.
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