Creating a New Site
A site, also known as a cluster, is a group of hosts with one URL that can be accessed independently or as a single unit. A site can take a single work unit (an HTTP request or RMI method call) and distribute that request to one of many Windchill servers.
When you click in the Site Management window, the New Site window appears.
1. Enter the following data:
Site Name
The site name must be unique. The string is not case-sensitive and cannot include spaces. The name should contain only letters, numbers, hyphen, and underscores. A File Server site must be known by the same name to all main sites. The label (This Installation) appears after the site name in the Site Management window for the site to which you are currently connected.
The URL is the value of the wt.httpgw.url.anonymous property in the file of the site that you are creating. It is the URL of the anonymous gateway for the Windchill site. If this URL is the same as the URL of the Windchill site to which you are currently connected, the label (This Installation) appears following the site name in the Site Management window.
For a main site, enter a URL that allows file server sites to access the main site. File Server sites use this URL to find their configuration information.
For a file server site, enter the URL. The URL must allow the main site to access the file server site.
Site Type
The Main and File Server options determine which roles the site uses for replication. You can select one, both, or neither of these options.
Product replication functionality is not available in this release.
This field is for the site and organizational levels only.
Click Select to access the Pick Context window, which lists all possible contexts. Select a context and then click OK.
You can enter a description of the site.
Click Select to access the Find Participants window. Use the fields Types, Name, and Service on the window to select a principal for the new site.
Site Proximity
You can move the sites into the order of proximity to the current site being created or updated.
The left box contains a list of all the sites. You can move the sites from this box to the right box using >> and <<. The box on the right side indicates the proximity of the other sites to the new site. The site at the top of the list has highest proximity to the new site. You can move a site up or down the list with Move Up, Move Down, Move Top, and Move Bottom.
2. Click OK.
The new site appears in List of Sites table in the Site Management window. For main sites, a space appears to hold the initial date of the access key after it is generated.
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