Drag-and-Drop Actions
Double-click a document saved in Windchill to open the most recent iteration stored on your Windchill server. A local version is saved in your default file path.
You must be connected to the Windchill server to access context folders through Windows Explorer.
Dragging Documents Between Windchill Folders and Contexts
Drag and drop, use your clipboard, or use the keyboard shortcut commands to copy and move documents between contexts.
The Add to Project action does not launch if you drag and drop a document from a product or library into a project. Instead, you create a new project-specific copy of the document.
Dragging Documents from a Local Folder to Windchill
Drag and drop one or more files from your local machine into a context or context folder under the Windchill Documents node.
You can also drag and drop attachments from Microsoft Outlook to create new Windchill documents.
Depending on where you drop the file, the following windows open:
New Document
New Multiple Documents
Drop the documents on empty space within the Windows Explorer window. For more information, see Create Documents Using DTI.
If you are attempting to create a new document using a file that has previously been downloaded from the same Windchill server, the Check In window opens instead.
To force a New Document or New Multiple Documents action, you can do one of the following:
Press the Ctrl key while dragging and dropping the files.
Remove the document property that identifies the document as a Windchill object. To do this, use the Remove Windchill Info action. For more information, see Remove Windchill Information from Documents.
Check In
Drop the document on empty space within the Windows Explorer window.
It does not matter where you drop the file. The document is checked in to the appropriate source folder location.
The Check In window opens even if you do not have the document checked out. Dropping the file automatically performs a check out operation on your behalf.
For more information, see Check In Documents Using DTI.
Replace Content
Drop the file on top of another document. Aside from access permission, the only requirement is that the document you drop the file on must be checked in. It does not need to be the same file type or file name. For more information, see Replacing Primary Content.
Launching the Replace Content action automatically checks out the document. If you drop a file onto another document by mistake, simply click Cancel in the Replace Content window. However, the document remains checked out to you.
Dragging Documents From Windchill to a Local Folder
To download and save a local copy of a document, you can drag and drop the document from the Windchill Documents node to a local folder. This also creates a copy in your local Windchill cache folder.
To create a link to the document location under the Windchill Documents node, press the Shift + Ctrl keys when dragging the document.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcuts are allowed:
Keyboard Commands
Copy from a local folder to a Windchill folder
Press Ctrl
Copy from a Windchill folder to a local folder
Press Ctrl
Copy between Windchill folders
Press Ctrl
Press Shift + Ctrl
Copy between Windchill contexts
Press Ctrl
Press Shift + Ctrl
Create a local link to the document under the Windchill Documents node
Press Shift + Ctrl
Move between Windchill folders
Press Shift
Move between Windchill contexts
Press Shift
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