Integration with Other Applications > Managing CAD Data > Searching the Windchill Database
Searching the Windchill Database
Windchill Workgroup Manager enables you to quickly search for CAD documents or dynamic documents in Windchill using three types of searches: a basic search, an advanced search that permits the user to build queries and adapt logic, and a full search of Windchill. If you have registered a Windchill server as the primary data repository, a Search tab appears among the navigator tabs.
The basic search is supported from the navigator and from File > Open in a registered CAD application (basic search returns all objects that meet the search criteria; file open search only returns the first object found that meets the search criteria). The advanced search is supported from the navigator, and the full Windchill search is supported from the content browser.
By default, the Windchill search in the embedded browser is available to search data. For more information see, Searching for Existing Data in Windchill. To search data using the Search tab, set the value of the preference to No in the wgmclient.ini file.
Search results display in a table at the bottom of the navigator search tab. Detailed results are displayed in a table on a Search Results page in the content browser. You can set preferences for sorting your search results, and you can sort the detailed results using controls on the column header.
For more information, see the following topics.
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