Performing a Windchill Search or Browse
Use the Search|Browse navigator at the left side of a standalone or embedded browser window to locate objects of interest. For more information, see Navigator Overview
By default, the Windchill search in the embedded browser is available to search data. For more information see, Searching for Existing Data in Windchill. To search data using the Search tab, set the value of the preference to No in the wgmclient.ini file.
Clicking Search opens the navigator panel with the Windchill Advanced Search user interface.
You can also initiate a search from the Windchill Search field near the top right corner of most Windchill pages. Entering a search term and typing the Enter key opens the navigator Advanced Search panel with your search term populated.
Detailed help is available from the Windchill Advanced Search page. For more information, see Advanced Search.
Alternatively, clicking Browse on the navigator presents a user interface that allows you to navigate among and within the Windchill contexts that are available to you. For more information, see Browse Tab.
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