Import a Package of Business Administrative Changes
The Import Changes tab in the Business Administrative Change utility provides the ability to import business administrative changes to a production Windchill system.
Before importing the changes, ensure that the com.ptc.windchill.bac.ignoreGUIDList property is set to All in the target system.
To import business administrative changes, perform the following steps in the target system:
1. On the Import Changes tab, click Browse and navigate to the package folder that was exported from the source system. You can also drag the package folder to the Package box.
You can determine whether the conflict resolution and attribute mapping choices defined in the source system should be carried forward when the package is being imported to the target system. However, you must make this decision before initiating the import process as given in the next step.
Use bundled conflict resolutions: The conflict resolutions defined for each conflict types within the package during export, will be used when any similar conflicts arise during import. Let’s say, a package contains a conflict resolution of SKIP for No Such Container conflict, and a profile associated with an organization that does not exist in the target system. When Use bundled conflict resolutions is selected, the package imports successfully. All package contents are imported, except the profile.
Use bundled mapping: The attribute mappings defined within the package during export, will be used when importing the package. Let’s say, Profile1 was created against OrgA, but the package contains mapping definitions which maps OrgA to Demo Organization. When Use bundled mapping is selected, Profile1 will be created under Demo Organization in the target system.
If the Use bundled mapping checkbox is selected, it will take precedence over the mapping values defined under the Import mapping tab.
From sequencing perspective, attribute mappings take precedence over conflict resolutions. Consider the following example: You define a mapping between OrgA and OrgB and conflict resolution of SKIP for Container Not Found conflict. You import a package with two profiles: ProfileA that is associated with OrgA, and ProfileC that is associated with OrgC. OrgB is the only organization in the target system. After importing the package, ProfileA will be imported successfully and associated with OrgB as per the defined mapping. ProfileC will be skipped as a valid mapping is not defined for it. The bundled conflict resolution skips importing the profile.
2. To initiate the import process, click Import Package.
On completion of the import process, the Package Import Status table lists the imported packages along with the import status. The package ID is the unique identifier of the package. This ID can be used later while resolving conflicts to filter the relevant conflicts associated with the package.
Based on the import status of the package, you can perform the following actions on each package:
Status: Succeeded
Download Report: Downloads import reports locally. The reports contain details of the contents of the package and any associated conflicts, mapping definitions, and conflict resolutions used to import the package.
Download Zip: Downloads the package ZIP file locally. If new mappings or conflict resolutions were used to successfully import the package, re-downloading the package will generate a new version of the package which contains the latest mappings and conflict resolutions. This is the version of the package to be used for any subsequent downstream imports.
Status: Failed with conflicts
Download Report: Downloads import report locally.
Resolve Conflicts and Retry: Launches the Event Management utility to address conflicts and attempts the import again.
Map Attributes: Opens the Import Mappings tab to map attribute values from the package to the attribute values in the target system.
The Business Administrative Change framework raises conflicts during import when either data integrity issue is identified or critical references to reconstruct an object are missing in the target system. All conflicts must be addressed to import a package successfully into the target system. For information on possible conflicts and associated resolutions, see Import conflict and Delete conflict.
If there are several conflicts listed in the Event Management utility, enter the ID of the relevant package in the Search in table box to filter out non-relevant conflicts. Select the icon in the Actions column to see the list of conflicts and possible retry options. Then, click Retry to attempt to import again. For more information, see Managing Conflicts.
Use the action to delete the package from the system. Deleting a package from the system deletes the record of the package, but not the associated content.
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