Generating QuickView for Windchill Parts
If there is a CAD association, it will get the QuickView thumbnail from the respective published representation from the CAD tool.
To enable evaluating publish rules for WTPart, the fully qualified internal name wt.part.WTPart can be specified as one of the applications in the property below. Also, for sub-type of Part like electrical parts, one can specify the authoring application name in the format wt.part.WTPart|com.ptc.ElectricalPart.
To identify the part as wt.part.WTPart, the following property is used:

<Property name="publish.usesPublishRules" overridable="true"
value="PROE UG wt.part.WTPart />

If there is no CAD association, the QuickView thumbnail can be generated only through the scheduler mechanism. There are some other scenarios as well when the QuickView thumbnail is not available during publishing. They can then be scheduled after publishing.
See Scheduler Based Publishing Support for more information.
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