Scheduler Based Publishing Support
The scheduler-based publishing enables you to generate QuickView in the following scenarios:
Representation is created using Part Only option selected for the structure browser.
Representation is published for Windchill part that does not have an owner associated EPMDocument.
The existing legacy data should have a way to generate QuickView using existing representations instead of republishing only for QuickView.
When publishing a job as positioning assembly or extended positioning assembly, the publishing mode for the complete structure is not available for generating QuickView thumbnail.
Periodic update of QuickView thumbnail.
QuickView thumbnail failed to generate on the worker machine.
For leaf nodes, although they may have representation, QuickView thumbnail is not generated.
If there is no default representation, then scheduler will skip such a representable
To support scheduler-based publishing, use the filter from the Windchill Navigator. Select Utilities under the context, namely Site, Organizations, Projects, Products, or Libraries, and then select WVS Job Scheduler Administration.
1. Select the Job Type as Thumbnail Job.
2. Select the Job from the following:
GenerateQuickViewThumbLatestAllRevAllRep: This generates QuickView thumbnail on all representation of latest iteration of all revisions of Representables (EPMDocuent and WTPart). The QuickView thumbnail is generated for representables that are non-leaf node and honor the respective publish rules. The thumbnail is not generated if the QuickView thumbnail already exists. This filter supports QuickView thumbnail generation for positioning and extended positioning assemblies as well. Thumbnail worker needs to be configured prior to scheduling this job.
RegenerateQuickViewThumbforLatest: This regenerates QuickView thumbnail on all representations of latest iterations of all revisions of Representables (EPMDocument and WTPart). This filter regenerates QuickView thumbnail only if representables are non-leaf nodes , honors respective publish rules, and if QuickView thumbnail already exists on representation. This filter supports QuickView thumbnail generation for positioning and extended positioning assemblies as well. Thumbnail worker needs to be configured prior to scheduling this job.
3. Select the Job start details and the Job Frequency as required and click Schedule.
For more details on scheduler-based publishing refer to WVS Job Scheduler Administration
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