What’s New > Windchill > > End User > Windchill Quality Management System: Support for Including Revisable Regulatory Submission and Revisable UDI Super Set in Change Management Process
Windchill Quality Management System: Support for Including Revisable Regulatory Submission and Revisable UDI Super Set in Change Management Process
Product: Windchill
Ability to include QMS objects, such as a Regulatory Submission (Revisable) and UDI Super Set (Revisable), in the change management process.
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Add QMS objects such as Regulatory Submission (Revisable) and UDI Super Set (Revisable) in the Affected Objects and Resulting Objects tables of the Problem Report, Variance, Change Request, Change Notice, and Review.
Apply the relationship constraint rules for the Regulatory Submission (Revisable) and UDI Super Set (Revisable) objects in the Type Manager hierarchy.
Recognize Regulatory Submission (Revisable) and UDI Super Set (Revisable) objects as changeable in the Type Manager hierarchy.
Use the Business Rule and Mapping Rule configurations like any other changeable objects.
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