What’s New > Windchill > > End User > Digital Product Traceability: External Resource Search Picker
Digital Product Traceability: External Resource Search Picker
User Interface Location: External resource search picker is available from the Add Traces window. Select the required fields and click Open.
Product: Windchill
Enables you to filter external resources based on the specified search criteria.
Additional Details
The external resource search picker enables you to search for remote resources within a specific remote context. The search picker is divided into Filter Criteria and Search Result Table panes. The attributes displayed in these panes are configured in .
External resource search picker
The external resource search picker is recommended to be used with Windchill Modeler server.
Wildcard search is not supported.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Preference or property configuration associated with this functionality:
configuration Thing with the tag PTC-PLM:TRACELINKS-OSLC-QUERY-SEARCH enables the external resource search picker.
Platform property OSLC-QUERY-PAGESIZE determines the number of resources displayed in the Search Result Table.
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