Creating an Action Customization File
1. Identify the OOTB action to be modified using jcaDebug and the Reporting Tools for Actions and Action Models. For more information, see Debugging, Action Customization Tools—Reports.
2. Identify the module for placing the customization artifacts for this action. Create this module if it does not exist. For information on modules and customization packages, see Package Structure for Customization Artifacts.
3. Create an XML file in this module under <customizationRootDirectory>/<module>/main/resources directory to define your changes to the OOTB action.
It is recommended to create a custom folder under resources to place your XML file.
Provide a unique name to the XML file, such as your module name or object type specified in the file. For example: partModule-actions.xml or customPart-actions.xml.
a. Add the objecttype tag as mentioned in Defining a New Custom Action. This value must match the OOTB objecttype name of the action being customized.
b. Add incremental attribute to the objecttype tag. For example, <objecttype name="document" incremental="">
c. Add the action tag as described in Defining a New Custom Action. This value must match the OOTB action name of the action being customized.
d. Add incremental attribute to the action tag. For example, <action name="create" incremental="">
When using the incremental attribute, no other attribute other than name is allowed.
OOTB actions can be updated only to add custom filter as described in Adding Custom Filter to OOTB Action. The command, components, supportedTypes, and nonSupportedTypes tags are not allowed.