Adding Custom Filter to an OOTB Action
Solution Elements
Action customization definition
XML file for holding the definition of the action customization
Location in the module: <customizationRootDirectory>/<module>/main/resources
Action filter class
Java class that defines the filter
Location in the module: main/src
com.ptc.netmarkets.util.misc.customActions property
Property that contains a list of action customization XML files relative to <customizationRootDirectory>/<module>/main/resources folder. This property should be registered in configurations/xconf/
Registry for the filter
Location in the module: main/xconf
Modular Structure for Customization
├── configurations
│ └── xconf
│ └──
└── module1
├── descriptor.xml
├── main
├── xconf
| └──
├── src
│ └── com
│ └── acme
│ └── filter
│ └──
└── resources
└── acme
└── module1
└── module1-actions.xml
1. Create the action customization XML file if it is not already created. For more information, see Creating the Action Customization File.
You can define customizations for multiple OOTB actions in the same file.
2. Define your action filter in a Java file in the src folder of the same module. For more information, see UI Validation.
3. Register this filter in the * file within this module. The filter name provided in the selector must be unique.
Provide a short, meaningful name to the filter, which indicates the parameters based on which you want to hide an action. For example: hideForOrgAdmins.
4. Add the includeFilter attribute to the action tag in your custom XML file. For more information, see Defining a New Custom Action.
5. Add the name of this XML file to the property com.ptc.netmarkets.util.misc.customActions in the configurations/xconf/ file using AddToProperty tag.
<AddToProperty name="com.ptc.netmarkets.util.misc.customActions" value="module1-actions.xml"/>