Creating a Translation Package
The Create Translation Package menu action creates the translation package after you make the following choice:
Choose Target Vendor and the Package Type that you would like to create:
Translation — Creates a translation package for a vendor containing the structure’s content for translation. Target translation objects are created and linked to the source as part of this process, so that returned translated content can be checked in to these objects. When the translation package is created, these target objects are still in the source language.
Translation management creates baselines of all the objects in the translation package, collects the XLIFFs and documents, and creates the target language objects. Then, it zips the outgoing contents and places the file in a folder for the vendor to collect, one for each language. The folder is specified by the Supported Vendors preference.
When the vendor returns the translated content, it is unzipped and checked in to the target translation objects, and the version is iterated.
Quote — Creates a translation package for a vendor to provide a quotation for translating the content.
Translation management collects the XLIFFs and documents, zips the outgoing contents, and places the zip files in a folder for the vendor to pick up, one zip file for each language. Baselines and target language document objects are not created and nothing is checked in.
You can choose whether to send the content already in the approved state immediately (base on the value of the Preparation State preference) or to start the translation process immediately but wait until the remaining content in the structure is also set to the approved state.
The Content already approved option creates a translation package immediately from the service structure’s content.
The Wait for all content to be approved option starts the translation package process for the content set to the approved state. This choice allows the translation process to periodically check for and collect content as it is approved. After all the structure’s content is approved and collected, the translation package will be created.
Source Language displays the source languages for translation. If you have more than one source language configured, they will be selected by default.
Choose the languages for translation. Each language you choose will have its own translation package zip containing all the service structure’s XLIFFs and dynamic documents that are properly set for translation.
A pivot language can be used to manage the translation from a source language to a target language using an intermediary language. The original source structure and content is first translated to the pivot language, and then the pivot language is translated to one or more other target languages. If you are using a pivot language, you see the target language in the Available Target Languages list with the pivot language noted in parentheses. Because a pivot language can also be a target language for other source languages, be sure you understand the language configurations for your site so that you can make the right selection.
If you are managing the pivot language to target language translation automatically using the built-in translation pivot process, choose the final target language as the package language. If you are managing the pivot language to target language translation manually, choose the pivot language as the target language. Pivot language configuration is explained in Translation Configuration Process.
Autonumbering must be turned on to successfully create a translation package.
When filter criteria are applied to the service structure, the translation process applies the filters to the service structure objects, including XLIFFs, before generating the translation package. However, if an object is already out for translation, it will not be included. You can find information on objects that are excluded from a translation package in the translation log file. For more information, refer to Translation and Quotation Logs and Manifests.
Translation Preference Validation
When you create a translation package, the languages, vendor and import folders, and library locations are validated. These choices are determined by translation preferences settings, but validation takes place when you create the package. In the case of language selections, translation preference values must match a global enumeration. If a preference value used to create your translation package is invalid, the Create Translation Package window displays the associated error. See your translation administrator for assistance. For information on language enumeration setup, see Setting Up Languages.
Zip File Naming Pattern
A prefix is assigned to all zip files using the Translation Package Baseline Name Pattern preference. All baselines and package names must adhere to the naming pattern using the components as listed, separated by an underscore ( _ ):
For example, a zip file name which includes the prefix can look like the following:
Naming Convention
The prefix is the value of the translation package baseline name pattern. This is an optional preference. If the preference is empty, there is no prefix included in the zip file name.
The source ID is the unique identification number assigned to either the structure or the dynamic document.
The source language is the original authoring language of the source structure.
The target language is the language into which the structure object is translated.
The source revision identifies which revision of the source is being used in the translation package.
The source object type specifies the object type of the source that is being used in the translation package. A package that is created for a dynamic document will have source object type specified as EPMDocument. For other packages, source object type will be specified as WTPart.
The baseline ID is the number assigned to identify the baseline.
Quote is used to identify a request for a quote.
You have the option to include descriptive information in file names to aid identification of files in a translation package. Configure the com.ptc.tml.includeDocumentNameInFileName property in the file to true to enable the inclusion of document names in file names inside the zip and manifest files in a Translation Package. The first 25 characters of the document name of the Source document is added as a prefix to the file name. The property is set to false by default, that is, the document name is not included in the file name.
For example, XT00000059_en_es_A_0000000021_A.xml. For this entry in the log file:
Translation Name: Adding Structure to Content_es
Translation Number: 0000000021
Translation Version: A.1, In Work
Source Number: XT00000059
Source Version: A.1, Released
Source Type: Publication Source
When com.ptc.tml.includeDocumentNameInFileName property is set to true to include the source document name, the resulting name would be Adding Structure to Conte_XT00000059_en_es_A_0000000021_A.xml
If there are any special characters in the name that are not supported for Unix or Windows filenames, they will be converted to the "_" (underscore) character. For example, if the file name is "Adding Structure* to Content", the asterisk is replaced by an underscore, "Adding Structure_ to Conte”.
The Translation Packaging Process
A translation package is a ZIP file containing the service structure’s XLIFFs and dynamic documents that are set to the proper preference value of Preparation State, one for each target language selected in Package Languages. These ZIP files are placed in the outgoing folder for the selected Target Vendor, which is specified by the value of the Supported Vendors preference.
The structure and its objects must be checked in to successfully create a translation package. Make sure that the structure’s XLIFFS are included in the translation package. See XLIFF Documents for Translation for more information.
To create a translation package:
1. Go to the Structure tab for the information group, publication section, publication structure, or the information structure page and display the Actions menu.
2. Choose Create Translation Package. The structure must be checked in and its state set properly for the menu choice to be visible.
3. From the Create Translation Package window, choose the Target Vendor, Package Type, and each target language from the Package Languages list.
4. Click OK to create the packages.
If the package is for translation rather than quotation, the vendor returns the translation zip file to the folder specified by the External Import Folder. This folder is monitored by the Import Translation Process, and it detects when a translation archive is returned. The archive is unzipped and the contents are compared to the baselines. Then the files are checked in to Windchill+ as the target language objects in the contexts specified by the Supported Languages preference. Their versions are also iterated.
If specified, the Use Source Context Name in Folder Path and Use Object Name in Folder Path preferences can further modify the location.
You can create translation tables to display information for the translatable content as well as for the translated objects. Refer to Managing Translation Objects for more information.
You can also set up an email notifier for the Core Translation Process if you wish to be notified when the packages are finished and available.
Creating a Translation Package for a Dynamic Document
You can create a translation package for a dynamic document. Go to the information page of the dynamic document and choose Create Translation Package from the Actions menu. The dynamic document must be checked in and the state set properly for the menu choice to be visible. If the dynamic document is a compound document, child dynamic documents must also be checked in and the state set properly to create a translation package.
All child objects of a compound document, such as documents or graphics, must have the Translate Attribute set to Yes and be in the Preparation state to be included in a translation package. For example, if a chapter in a dynamic document contains a child dynamic document not in a Preparation state, the entire chapter is not included in the translation package.
You can publish translated dynamic documents by navigating to the information page for a translated dynamic document and publishing a representation. Publishing a compound document also includes its translated child dynamic documents.
When you iterate a source document in such a way that the updates do not invalidate the translation, you can link the latest source of the dynamic document to the latest available translated document in the current revision. For more information, see Reusing Existing Translated Documents.
Canceling a Translation Package
You can cancel the translation package for a publication structure or an information structure. Cancelling the translation package created for an information group or publication section is allowed only at the root of a publication structure or information structure. For more information, refer to Cancel Translation Package.
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