Translation Preferences
Preference Settings
Windchill Service Information Manager Translation Management preferences need to be configured on the Windchill server. In the Utilities folder for your site or context, find the Business Administration section, and click Preference Management. Look for Translation Support and expand it. For information on setting preferences, see Preference Management.
The list of Translation Support preferences are defined in the following table. When specifying multiple values, use the tilde ~ character as a separator. Some examples:
Be sure you’ve read the Translation Configuration Process before proceeding.
When you choose Create Translation Package, the languages, folders, and library locations you select are validated. These choices are determined by translation preference values. If a selection is invalid, the Create Translation Package window displays the associated error.
Allow Consecutive Translations
Determines whether a new revision can be translated, even if the previous revisions have not been set to the Preparation State.
Yes (default) allows a new revision of the document to be translated; do not change it.
Core Translation Process
Specifies the core translation workflow template responsible for creating, exporting, and importing a translation document. It’s invoked by the Translation Workflow Process.
Set to Core Translation Process by default.
Create XLIFF Automatically
Specifies whether to generate XLIFFs automatically when a translation or quotation package is created. The XLIFFs are set to the same state as the structure. XLIFFs are created for service structure strings, such as attributes. Dynamic documents are not included.
Yes (default) automatically creates XLIFFs of service structure objects when creating a translation or quotation package.
Document Language Attribute
Specifies the internal name of the attribute for the dynamic document language attribute. Also referred to as the Language attribute.
Set to PTC_DD_LANGUAGE, which is a global attribute for dynamic document and its subtypes by default.
External Import Folder
Specifies the path to a directory where the translated package is returned from the vendors.
This folder is not used when a translation package is stored in a Windchill product, library, or project.
Specify a directory where Windchill has read access and vendors have write access.
Specify the path to the directory. For example:
This preference is only available at the Site level.
Import Translation Process
Specifies the import translation workflow template which unzips the translation package returned by the vendor and checks in the translated content.
Set to Import Translation Process by default.
This preference is only available at the Site level.
In Translation State
Specifies the state that will be assigned automatically to a translatable object in Windchill when it’s sent out for translation.
Specify one of the lifecycle states for your context. By default, it’s set to INWORK.
Include Representation
Specifies whether to include a representation, if one exists, in the translation package. The translation package will include the default representation for the service structure and any default representations for the dynamic documents in the structure.
When a translation operation includes a pivot language, the default representation for the pivot is picked up at the time the translation package is created.
Yes (default) includes representations. Set to No to prevent.
Language Pairs
Specifies each source and its target language.
The source language must be one specified in Source Languages. The target language must be one specified in Supported Languages.
The specified target languages provide the choices of Package Languages in the Create Translation Package dialog box.
Pivot languages are specified as part of Source Languages, and are not specified separately in Language Pairs.
Specify the language code in the form:
For example, en|fr.
By default, en source is paired with a list of target languages.
Pending State
Specifies the state of a translated document that is canceled for translation. It is assigned manually when the target translation document will be replaced in a subsequent translation package.
Specify one of the lifecycle states for your context. By default, it’s set to CANCELLED.
Preparation State
Specifies the state of a source document, which is manually assigned, to indicate it is ready for translation.
Specify one of the lifecycle states for your context. By default, it’s set to RELEASED.
Preserve Source Language Folder Path
Specifies whether the folders storing the translated documents and XLIFFs use the same folder structure as the source language documents.
Set to Yes (the default).
Must be set to Yes for Use Object Name in Folder Path to work.
Quote Translation Process
Specifies the quotation translation workflow template responsible for creating a translation document.
Quote packages are generated only for direct target languages and for pivot languages. No quotation package will be generated for a target language configured to use an intermediary pivot language. Only the pivot language quotation package will be generated.
Set to Quote Translation Process by default.
Source Languages
Specifies the source languages and optionally their pivot language. To set a source and pivot, use | as a separator, for example, fr|en.
Set to en by default.
Supported Languages
Specifies the set of target languages that can be used in translation.
These languages are used to specify the target language in Language Pairs and to define the language folder of the context where the translation documents will be stored. See Translation Package Data Context.
Specify the language using the form:
Language name|Language code|context type|context name|Folder name.
For example:
This preference is only available at the Site level.
Supported Vendors
Specifies a vendor name and an export directory to store files to be picked up by the translation vendors. You can store files in:
An external directory
A Windchill product, project, or library
Make sure Windchill has write access and the vendor has read access.
To store files externally, specify the vendor and directory using the form:
Vendor name|path
For example:
To store files in Windchill, specify the vendor and context using the form:
Vendor name|path|context_name
For example:
Must be set to store the translation packages in a product, project, or library. The external directory option is not supported with Windchill+.
Translatable Subtypes
Specifies the subtype definitions of objects that can be translated. Be sure to use the WCTYPE| prefix.
By default, defines the subtypes for service structures and dynamic documents.
Translate Attribute
Specifies the internal name of the translate attribute for the dynamic document which determines whether the document is included in a translation package.
Set to PTC_DD_TRANSLATE, which is a global attribute for dynamic document and its subtypes by default.
Translated State
Specifies the state of a translated document to indicate it is approved. The state is assigned manually after the document has been imported from the translation vendor and reviewed.
Specify one of the lifecycle states for your context. By default, it’s set to RELEASED.
Translation Baseline Subtype
Specifies the subtype definitions for baselines. Specify full type definitions, starting with the root type WCTYPE|.
Not set by default.
Translation Coordinator Roles
Specifies the roles that have access to translation documents and actions. The Translation actions must be enabled for this role on the Configure Actions for Roles dialog box.
Check to be sure the correct users are assigned to these roles and that they have the proper permissions.
Specify role names using upper case letters. By default, it’s set to:
Translation Link
Specifies the link type definition for the link from the source document to the target translation.
Publishing processes follow this link to find the targeted translation document.
By default, it’s set to:
WCTYPE|com.ptc.arbortext.windchill.translation.TranslationLink. You shouldn’t change this value, however, you can create a subtype for it.
Translation Package Baseline Name Pattern
Defines the name pattern of the translation package baseline.
By default, set to empty.
For the current naming convention pattern, see Creating a Translation Package.
Translation Package Data Context
Specifies, for each Supported Languages entry, the location where a translation package baseline should be stored.
A language code is supplied for each subfolder, using the codes specified in Supported Languages.
Specify the location where you would like to store the translation package baselines.
By default, it’s set to
wt.inf.library.WTLibrary|Translation Package Data
Translation Package Import Interval
Specifies the frequency that the vendor folder is checked for content (specified by External Import Folder)
This folder is not used when a translation package is stored in a Windchill product, library, or project. In this case, the package is imported only when it is set to the state that matches the Translated State preference.
For information on resetting this value to take effect immediately, refer to the procedure in Managing Translation Objects.
Specify the number of minutes between each check for returned vendor content. Set to 60 by default, which is the minimum. Setting to a value less than 60 will reset the value to 60.
This preference is only available at the Site level.
Translation Post Import Process
Specifies the translation process that runs after translation files have been imported from the vendor.
Not set by default.
Translation Workflow Process
Specifies the main translation process, which is triggered by the user creating a translation package. It launches the Core Translation Process.
Set to Main Translation Process by default.
Use Object Name in Folder Path
Specifies whether to include the name of the source document in the target folder path. The object name is appended to the folder name defined in the Supported Languages preference.
Set to Yes by default.
Preserve Source Language Folder Path must also be set to Yes.
If both Use Source Context Name in Folder Path and Use Object Name in Folder Path are set to Yes, the document name follows the context name.
Use Source Context Name in Folder Path
Specifies whether to include the name of the source document’s context for the target folder path. The context name is appended to the target folder name defined in the Supported Languages preference.
Set to Yes by default.
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