Security Label with Multiple Values
A standard security label can be configured to be set with multiple values by adding one of the following tags in the security label configuration file:
For more information on setting a tag in the configuration file, see
SecurityLabel Element.
Evaluation of Condition in MultiValueLogicalOperator Tag
Suppose an object is applied with a standard security label Secrecy Label having values such as WorkflowGroupSecretEval and Kindofsecret. The user is an authorized participant for WorkflowGroupSecretEval security label value but not for Kindofsecret security label value.
• If the MultiValueLogicalOperator tag is added with OR-condition, the user will be granted access to the object because OR-condition requires the user to be authorized participant of at least one of the security label values set on the object.
• If theMultiValueLogicalOperator tag is added with AND-condition, the user will not be granted access to the object because AND-condition requires the user to be authorized participant for all the security label values set on the object.
Setting Multiple Values for a Security Label
You can view multiple values set on a standard security label of an object on the Object information page, Folders Contents page, Access Information page and Security Labels Change History table.