Viewing and Setting Security Labels on Existing Objects
When any non-null security label value is set on an object, the security label icon
displays next to the object identity on an object information page, indicating that a security label applies.
The security labels set on an object can be viewed and changed by launching the
Edit Security Labels window from the actions list for the object. You can also add the
All Security Labels columns to a custom table view to display columns for all configured security label values set on an object. For more information, see
Creating and Editing New Table Views.
| You cannot save changes made to security label columns if the columns were added to the table view using the All Security Labels column. Security label column changes can be saved if the security label column was added individually. |
Edit Security Labels window displays the current security label values for the object. Depending on the object type selected and the collection rules set, additional related objects may also display in the
Object List table. For more information about setting collection rules, see
Collecting in Advanced Mode.
If you have Modify Security Labels permission on an object, and you are an authorized participant for the security labels currently set on the object, you can change the security label values. Users with access to the object because of an agreement cannot change the security label values for which the user is cleared by the agreement.
An object does not need to be checked out for the security labels to be changed. If security labels are the only change you intend to make, do not check out the object. When an object is checked out, be aware of whether you are changing the security labels on the working copy or the original version of the object. (If you launch the Edit Security Labels action from the Checked-Out Work table, you are changing security labels on the working copy of the object.) If you change the security labels on the original version of a checked-out object instead of on the working copy:
• the security labels in effect after the object is checked in will be those from the working copy.
• if you change the security label on the original object to a value that the user who has the object checked out is not cleared for, then that user will be unable to check in the object.
To view the historical record of security label values applied over an object, see
Security Labels Change History Table.
Depending on the value selected in the
Security Label Changes on Object Versions preference, you might see a checkbox on the
Edit Security Labels window with which you can choose to apply changes to security labels to all versions of the object or only to the version of the object you currently have selected. The preference may by default always apply changes to all versions or always apply changes to the selected version only, in which case you will not be able to specify how security label changes are applied. For more information on this preference, see
Before You Begin Configuring Security Labels