To publish the ESI response files to this storage container, you must set the
Path attribute for the distribution target as
/esi/<example_location1>. You don’t need to create
example_location1 in the
/esi folder, it will be created automatically if you specify it as a path when creating or updating the distribution target. When you publish the ESI response files using the ESI Workflow or outgoing REST calls, the response files are published to the specified location in Azure Blob storage with blob names prefixed as
/esi/example_location1. For more information on creating a distribution target, see
Creating a Distribution Target.
Based on the path specified in the distribution target, the ESI response files are published in XML or JSON format to the specified storage location. You can then transfer these response files to your own service or consume it for integration with other ERP systems. For more information, see Support for
Outbound Data Flow and
Configuration Required to Access Data from Windchill+.