Capturing External Connection Information
To set up a secure MTLS connection with an external endpoint, ensure that the prerequisites such as the endpoint’s base-URL, URL fragments, client key-certificates, and server certificates are available in Windchill+. This information is used in the CCD utility to generate the SSL context.
Follow the Steps to Share Connection Information with PTC
1. Set up the materialAPI (external endpoint) using the instructions provided in the wnc-plus-outbound-demo-api repository.
After setting up the materialAPI, ensure that you have the following information:
In addition, you should have the BLOB_SAS_URL and a public key for encryption received from PTC.
2. Prepare a JSON file by replacing the placeholders mentioned in the following sample JSON file with your actual parameters.
MaterialAPI JSON
"blob_sas_url": "***replace with BLOB_SAS_URL received from PTC***",
"external_connections": {
"material_api": {
"baseurl": "***replace with your base-url***",
"secrets": {
"client_cert": "***replace with path to clientcertchain***",
"bearer_token": "Bearer ***replace with your bearer token***"
"server_cert": "***replace with path to server.certchain***",
"url_fragments": {
"get_material_number": "/api/material",
"get_material_data_stream": "/api/materialData/stream"
"public_key_for_encrypting_custom_secrets":"***replace with your public key for encryption received from PTC ***",
"apply_at":"***schedule atleast 1 hour after execution-time of utility***"
The bearer_token is not a reserved keyword, and there is no specific handling for bearer token authentication in the sample implementation. It could essentially be any other string that the customization code can identify and utilize while constructing a request for the relevant external endpoint.
3. Specify the path to your JSON file and execute the capturExternalConnections utility from ${WT_HOME}/prog_examples/IntegrationsExample/
./ -f <***path-to-your-json***>
If the external information is successfully captured, the following message appears: “Connection information submitted successfully.”
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