ACL Rules
Perform the following steps to load the Access Control List (ACL) rules:
1. Delete the existing ACL Rules from the target environment, and then load the exported ACL rules from the source environment.
Updating existing ACL rules is not supported out-of-the-box.
2. Create a load file in CSV format. Refer to the following elements or tags or to the location <WT_HOME>/codebase/registry/ixb/dtds/standard13_0.dtd for specifications of the ACL related tags to be specified in XML or load files:
<!ELEMENT csvAccessRule ( csvuser, csvdomain, csvtypeId, csvpermission, csvprincipal, csvpermissionList, csvstate, csvallExceptPrincipal? )>
Example of CSV file:
AccessRule,,[/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Demo Organization/wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct=GOLF_CART]/Default,com.ptc.ReferenceDocument,+,OPTION ADMINISTRATOR,6/7/10,INWORK,,
Load files for importing ACLs can only be created manually.
The utility ACLReport lists the ACLs existing in the source environment in a text file. This list can be used as reference when creating load files for the target environment.
Load files can also mention user groups used in the ACLs. Groups can be referred by the UFID or the name, if the correct format of XML is used.
3. Copy the CSV file to the following path: <customizationRootDirectory>/configurations/loadFiles/<customFolder>.
4. Run the following command from a Windchill Shell to convert the CSV file to XML:
windchill wt.load.util.CSV2XML -input XXX.csv
The generated XML should appear as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE NmLoader SYSTEM "standard13_0.dtd">
<csvAccessRule handler="wt.load.LoadUser.createAccessRule" >
<csvdomain>[/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Demo Organization/wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct=GOLF_CART]/Default</csvdomain>
<csvprincipal>OPTION ADMINISTRATOR</csvprincipal>
5. Copy the loader to the following path: <customizationRootDirectory>/configurations/loadFiles/<customFolder>.
6. Add an entry of this load file in the configurations/loadFiles/custom/loadFileSet.xml file with the desired container. Ensure that an entry for this XML is added in configurations/deploy.xml if you want to load the ACLs that are not already loaded.
It is recommended that all load files are located in the custom folder. For more information, see CCD Package Structure.
Deploy Customization on Development Environment
Prepare CCD Package for Promotion
For information on the CCD process for promotion, see
Deploying Code and Configuration Package.