Properties for Find in Structure
This section provides details on the properties to be configured for Find in Structure feature to include or exclude certain attributes from the search. For more information on this feature, see Find in Structure.
Default Value
Controls the breadth of attributes considered by Find in Structure.
When this property is set to False or does not have any value, the Find in Structure considers simple attributes such as string or integer, to identify matches. When this property is set to True, all values for attributes included by the table view not otherwise restricted, are considered. This property does not control the Advanced Find feature.
To configure the property, perform these steps:
1. Create a file in the configurations/xconf folder if it has not been already created.
2. Add the enableClassicFindInStructure property in the file.
When allowing users to include all attributes, it is recommended to limit the attributes included in the search. For more information on restricting attributes used in Find in Structure, see the excludedAttributesForClassicFindInTree property.
Controls the attributes evaluated when using the classic mode of the Find in Structure feature by allowing the exclusion of attributes from consideration. This provides the ability to control the load placed on the system when working with large structures with outsized table views.
To configure the property, perform these steps:
1. Create a file in the configurations/xconf folder if it has not been already created.
2. To exclude certain attributes from consideration by the classic mode of Find in Structure, add the attributes in the property in the file as shown:
<Property name=""
To add soft attributes to the list of attributes to exclude, follow this format:
For global soft attributes, use the IBA field of global attribute and add "IBA|" before the attribute name. For example, IBA|PTC_GTOL_TEXT_ON_RIGHT.
For any other soft attribute, use the internal name of the attribute. For example, TestCalculatedInternalName.
To find the ID that must be used for this property for modeled attributes, perform these steps:
1. Go to Preference Management > Client Customization. Set it to Yes.
2. In the navigation bar, click the Customization icon and select Tools. After setting the preference, you may need to refresh the page for the Customization icon to become visible in the navigation bar.
3. Select Available Attributes.
4. Enter the internal name of the type that the attribute is modeled on, for example, wt.part.WTPart, and click Submit.
5. Add both the JCA ID and JS ID column values of the attribute to the property.
Deploy Customization on Development Environment
For information on the CCD process for deployment, see Deploy Your Customizations on Your Development Environment.
Prepare CCD Package for Promotion
For information on the CCD process for promotion, see Deploying Code and Configuration Package.
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