PTC FlexPLM Fundamentals > Materials Tracker > Working with the Materials Tracker Dashboard > Vendor Access to the Materials Tracker
Vendor Access to the Materials Tracker
You can allow vendors to access information in materials trackers using the vendor portal and the Policy Administration utility.
Within a given materials tracker, it is a best practice to only allow vendors to access the materials they are associated to.
Vendors have access to materials trackers based on the Collection type. If they have access at the materials tracker level, then they have access to all materials trackers for that type and its subtypes.
On the materials tracker, vendors with read access can see the materials that they are associated to. They can perform some updates to the materials tracker, but do not have full access.
On the Dashboard page, vendors can add colors, add existing material suppliers and material colors, carry over material suppliers and material colors, and move material suppliers and material colors. Vendors can perform these actions for the materials they are associated to.
On the Details page, vendors can update, delete, discuss, subscribe to, and email the materials tracker.
On the Processes page, vendors can view calendar information and complete tasks. If vendors have access to update calendars, they can update calendars on the Processes tab.