Associating Material Tracker Calendar Tasks to Materials, Material Suppliers, or Material Colors
To associate a material tracker calendar task to materials, material suppliers, or material colors for a materials tracker, do the following:
1. On the materials tracker dashboard, click Details.
2. From the Actions menu, select Update.
3. On the Update Collection page, in the Tasks By Level section, double-click the tasks or select the tasks and click Add. Selected tasks appear in the Chosen box.
◦ To remove a task, select it and click Remove or double-click it. Only those components in the Chosen box appear on the calendar.
◦ Tasks appear on the dashboard in the following order:
▪ Material level tasks in chronological order from left to right
▪ Material supplier level tasks in chronological order from left to right
▪ Material color tasks in chronological order from left to right
4. Click Save. Tasks appear in the Tasks By Level section of the Update Collection page and the Details page of the materials tracker.
To update a task in the calendar itself, see
Managing Tasks in a Calendar Instance.
• If you reinitiate the tracker calendar, it resets the calendar tasks and tasks listed in the Tasks By Level section of the Update Collection page.
• When tasks are deleted from the materials tracker calendar, and you do not remove them from the Tasks By Level section, the tasks appear as NOT FOUND on the Details page of the materials tracker.