PTC FlexPLM Fundamentals > Calendars > Calendar Templates
Calendar Templates
Before using the calendar, you must set up calendar templates.
Calendar templates are created and then used by business objects of similar types. Examples include seasonal calendar templates, product development calendar templates, material-color calendar templates, and so on. The template defines the sequence of events that make up the calendar and their default durations. Exact dates are not defined in the template because they are not known until the template is used for a given business object instance.
When a business object is created, a copy of the calendar template is created for it and instance-specific dates can then be applied.
Creating a Calendar Template
To create a new calendar template, do the following:
1. Under Libraries, click Calendar and select a calendar type.
2. On the Manage Calendar page, from the Actions list, select New Calendar Template.
3. In the Name field, type a name for the calendar.
4. Click Save.
5. On the Calendar page, in the *Template Start Date field, select a start date and click Change.
6. For each task you would like to add to the calendar, do the following:
a. Click Add Task.
b. In the Task Name field, enter a name for the task.
c. From the *Preceding Task list, select a task. If this is the first task you are creating, select Start Of The Calendar.
d. In the *Duration (in days) field, type the number of days for the task.
e. Click Save.
7. On the Calendar page, click Return to Calendar Manager.
Updating a Calendar Template
To update the calendar name or description in an existing calendar template, do the following:
1. Under Libraries, click Calendar and select a calendar type.
2. From the Actions menu in the row that contains the calendar, select Update.
3. Update the Template Name field.
4. Optionally, update the Description field.
5. Click Save.
To update other information an existing calendar template, do the following:
1. Under Libraries, click Calendar and select a calendar type.
2. Click the name of the calendar.
To change the start date, on the Calendar page, in the Template Start Date field, select a start date and click Change.
To update a task, select Update from the menu next to the task, update the fields for the task, and click Save.
To delete a task, select Delete from the menu next to the task. The system confirms that you want to delete the task. Click OK.
To insert a sub calendar, select Insert Sub Calendar from the menu next to the task. From the Calendar Template list, select a template and click Complete.
To update the name or description of the calendar, click Update. Update the name or description and click Save.
3. Click Return to Calendar Manager.
Deleting a Calendar Template
To delete an existing calendar template, do the following:
1. Under Libraries, click Calendar and select a calendar type.
2. From the Actions menu in the row that contains the calendar, select Delete. The system prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the calendar template.
3. Click OK.
Copying a Calendar Template
To copy an existing calendar template, do the following:
1. Under Libraries, click Calendar.
2. From the Actions menu in the row that contains the calendar, select Copy. The system prompts you to confirm that you want to copy the calendar template.
3. Click OK. The copy of the calendar template appears in the Existing Calendar Templates table.