PTC FlexPLM Fundamentals > Calendars > Initiating a Calendar Instance
Initiating a Calendar Instance
You can initiate a calendar instance from the user interface or from a workflow.
Initiating a Calendar Instance from the User Interface
From the user interface, you can initiate a calendar by doing the following:
1. Open the View page for the business object.
2. From the Actions menu, select View Calendar.
If the object already has a calendar, the current calendar appears. You can initiate a new calendar by selecting Actions > Re-Initiate Calendar.
If there is no calendar for that business object, the “No calendar has been initiated” message appears. To initiate a new calendar, click Initiate.
3. On the Initiate Calendar page, select a start date for the calendar and select the calendar template.
4. Click Complete. The calendar is initiated with the template and start date you selected.
If a previous calendar existed, it is deleted from the business object.
For products, you can initiate a calendar from the Processes page.
Initializing a Calendar Instance from the Workflow
To initiate a calendar from a workflow robot that is executed as part of the process for a business object, use the LCSCalendarService method. (Use LCSCalendarLogic if already in a transaction.)
initiateCalendar(owner: WTObject, templateName : String, startDate : java.util.Date)