The recipient of the potential attack notification email. By default, the email is sent to the administrator identified by the wt.admin.defaultAdministratorName property. Another user or group can be assigned by setting the value of this property to either another user identifier or group name.
Total number of potential attacks that are logged before an email notification is sent. The default value is set to 5. Once the specified number of attacks is recorded, an email notification is sent to the recipient identified in the com.ptc.core.appsec.securityAlertEmailAccount property.
How often email notifications are sent when potential attacks are detected. This value is set in minutes. The default configuration sends one email in 1440 minutes (24 hours).
Once a notification is sent, the attack counter is reset to zero. The next notification will not be sent until the event threshold specified in com.ptc.core.appsec.EventThreshold is reached and the number of minutes specified in com.ptc.core.appsec.notificationFrequency has elapsed.