Navigating Vuforia Studio > Projects and Experiences > Rename a Project
Rename a Project
You can rename a project to avoid overwriting an existing published project with the same name on your Experience Service.
Renaming a published project and then publishing it with the new name will not overwrite the original project on the Experience Service; instead, when the renamed project is published to the Experience Service, it will be published as a new project. The original project will retain the original project name, and all associated experiences will remain unchanged.
Use the following steps to rename a project.
1. Open the project you want to rename.
2. Click on the project name in the header bar from within a project.
3. The project name is then editable. Rename your project, and then click the green checkmark to save your changes.
Known Issues and Limitations
The following are known issues or limitations with the renaming functionality:
Renaming a project while Advanced Model Target training is still running may cause issues. To avoid this, renaming a project should be done either before publishing or after the Advanced Model Target training has completed. If this issue does occur, restarting Vuforia Studio should resolve it.