Experience ServiceThingWorx Proxy Check
Validate that the Experience ServiceThingWorx proxy is configured correctly.
For this check, the Experience Service proxy should be used and not the direct URL to the ThingWorx server.
1. Enter the following URL in a web browser: <es-protocol>://<es-hostname>:<es-port>/Thingworx/Organizations
For example: http://localhost:2019/Thingworx/Organizations
2. You are prompted to log in if you are not already.
3. Once logged in, a list of entities is displayed.
• Make sure the previous checks passed.
• Make sure the proxies.0.target property in the configuration.json file uses the correct protocol, hostname, and port for the ThingWorx server and that the URL ends in /Thingworx. For example: http://twx.example.com:8080/Thingworx
• Make sure the device or computer on which the web browser is running is on a network that can access the Experience Service. For example, you may need to connect to your company’s VPN.