Create an App Integration for Vuforia Studio in Okta
1. Sign in to the Okta Admin Console.
2. Navigate to > > .
3. On the Create a new application integration window, select the following options and then click Next:
◦ Sign-in method—select OICD – OpenID Connect
◦ Application type—select Single-Page Application
4. Under General Settings, enter and select the following information and click Save:
◦ App integration name—enter an appropriate name for the new integration (for example, StudioEditor)
◦ Grant type:
▪ Client acting on behalf of a user—select the Authorization Code, Refresh Token, and Implicit (hybrid) checkboxes
◦ Sign-in redirect URIs—leave the Allow wildcard * in sign-in URI direct. checkbox unchecked and add the following URIs:
▪ http://localhost:8080/login/callback
▪ https://localhost:3000/authorization_code_redirect
▪ http://localhost:3000/authorization_code_redirect
▪ http://localhost:3000/authorization_code_redirect?audience=http%
▪ https://localhost:3000/authorization_code_redirect?audience=http%
5. On the Sign On tab, scroll down to Sign On Policy, and click Add Rule.
6. In the Rule name field, enter Catch-all Rule, and select the options as shown below. Click Save.
7. On the Assignments tab, select the People filter, and search for and add the users you want to give access to Vuforia Studio.