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Vuforia Vantage for Microsoft HoloLens 2 and Trimble XR10 Devices
The following features are not supported when viewing a procedure on a HoloLens 2 or Trimble XR10 device:
Session progress saving and Recents
Serial ID entry
Text feedback
Downloading a procedure for offline viewing
The Vuforia Vantage app for HoloLens 2 and Trimble XR10 devices allows frontline workers to view work instruction procedures hands-free in the environment in which the tasks need to be completed.
Download Vuforia Vantage
Make sure that you’re using the most recent version of Vuforia Vantage as a new version is released every 28 days.
The latest version of Vuforia Vantage for HoloLens 2 and Trimble devices can be found in the Microsoft App Store.
Make sure that your device OS is running Windows Holographic 20348.1432 or greater.
Additional Information
For detailed information about viewing a procedure on your device, see View a Procedure with Vuforia Vantage for HoloLens 2 and Trimble XR10 Devices.
For information about wearing your device correctly, see HoloLens 2 fit and comfort frequently asked questions.
For information about setting up your device, see the Get your HoloLens 2 ready to use.