Troubleshooting and FAQs
Troubleshooting and FAQs
Increased Memory Consumption and Chalk is Crashing
After about 10 minutes of use, memory consumption surges and Chalk crashes.
Device is Extremely Warm After a Few Minutes of Use
After a few minutes of using Chalk, the device gets uncomfortably warm.
Why am I getting a message about exceeding my session allowance?
If you’re seeing this message, it means that your company was using the unlimited free access version of Chalk; free access ended on August 31st. If your company has not purchased an Enterprise account, your account is now a Limited Access account. With a Limited Access account, your company is limited to 10 Chalk sessions per month.
Why can I no longer access Chalk for Desktop?
If you’re no longer able to access Chalk for Desktop, there is a chance that your organization was using the unlimited free access version of Chalk that ended on August 31st, and have not purchased an Enterprise account. For more information, see Vuforia Chalk Account Types and Available Features.
Why can’t I configure my organization to use single sign-on (SSO)?
If you’re an admin and not able to configure SSO for your organization, this means that your company was using the unlimited free access version of Chalk that ended on August 31st, and has not purchased an Enterprise account. For more information, see Vuforia Chalk Account Types and Available Features.
Access to notifications, microphone, camera, and contacts
Chalk asks for your permission to access your device’s microphone, camera, contacts, and notifications.
Microphone and camera access is core to the functionality of the app. You need to be able to see the problem you’re working on with someone over a video connection with audio. We don’t store this information anywhere, and your conversations are private.
Access to your contacts helps you find people in your device address book to Chalk with. We don’t store your contacts information on our servers, or use it for anything other than allowing you to invite or start a session with people you already know.
Notifications are used to alert you of missed Chalk calls. They may also notify you of upgrades or service changes.
If you did not give Chalk access when initially asked, you can manually give access in your mobile device’s settings. To do this, open your device settings, and scroll down to Chalk in the apps menu. Then, toggle Contacts, Microphone, Camera, and Notifications so that they are enabled.
Why am I not being notified about incoming Chalk calls on my Android device?
Android 10 users must enable the Appear on top app setting to receive our incoming call alerts (not granting the permission will prevent you from be alerted of incoming calls). To enable this settings, complete the following steps.
1. From your device, navigate to Settings > Apps.
2. Scroll down and tap on Chalk.
3. Under Advanced, tap on Appear on top and allow the permission.
Why aren’t my drawings sticking?
Make sure that you’re running the latest version of your device’s operating system.
Your drawings may not stick in the first few seconds of a session while Chalk learns about your environment.
To help Chalk better understand your environment, make sure you’re following the Best Practices.
Why can’t I see video?
Make sure that Chalk has permission to access your device camera.
Or, if you are the person giving help, the other person may need to start sharing their view.