User Roles and Capabilities > Move Content into Folders > Folder and Subfolder Actions
Folder and Subfolder Actions
The following actions are available from the folder menu:
Allows you to view the following information about a folder:
Name—name of the folder
Type—type of object it is
Created by—user created the folder and the date/time it was created
Last modified by—user that last modified the folder and the date/time it was last modified
Description—folder description
Location—location of the folder
Allows you to rename the folder.
Allows you to move folders and subfolders into different folders. However, there are a few things to keep in mind:
The user who creates a subfolder under their own parent folder can move the subfolder to My Editor, or to any other folder structure in which they have edit permission.
If the creator of the parent folder is not the creator of the subfolder (or vice versa), then the subfolder can only be moved to My Editor by an administrator. This can occur when a user is granted edit permission on a parent folder, and then moves one of their existing folders into the parent folder.
The creator of a parent folder and users with edit access on a parent folder can move sub folders within an existing folder structure.
Once an administrator moves a subfolder to My Editor, the creator of that subfolder will be allowed to view, edit, share, move, and delete that folder.
This action only appears for parent folders, not subfolders.
Set share permissions for the folders and subfolders within the folder.
Permanently deletes the folder.
You can only delete empty folders. If the folder contains content, you’ll need to either move the content to the Assets Library, or delete it.
Keep the following in mind:
Folders can only be deleted by the user who created it or by an administrator.
Only the creator of a parent folder or an administrator can delete subfolders.