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A truncated single line label:

A truncated multiline label:


ptcs-label displays static text. You can show text on a single line or across multiple lines. The dimensions of the control can be limited both horizontally and vertically.

When a single line label exceeds the specified width, an ellipsis is shown to indicate that the text is truncated. When a multiple-line label exceeds the specified height, then the text is wrapped across a new line. When the text label exceeds the specified height, a "show more" button is displayed. Clicking the button reveals the full text. The button label changes to "show less" when the text is revealed. You can click show less to hide the revealed text.

Usage Examples

Basic Usage

<ptcs-label label="Enter payment method"></ptcs-label>

Single line with maximum width (overflow truncation with ellipsis)

<ptcs-label max-width="120px" label="Enter payment method"></ptcs-label>


  label="A long informative text of some kind"
  label="A long informative text of some kind"

Multiline with constrained dimensions (ellipsis truncation on overflow)

  label="A long informative text of some kind"


<ptcs-label variant="some-variant" label="The label text"></ptcs-label>

Component API


Property Type Description Triggers a changed event?
disabled Boolean Set to True to disable the element No
disclosureControl String Values show-more or ellipsis for multiline overflow options No
horizontalAlignment String Sets the horizontal alignment. You can set it to left, right, or center No
label String The text to display No
maxHeight String The maximum height of the label. Requires multiLine mode. This property is only applied when the 'Height' CSS property is not defined. No
maxWidth String The maximum width of the label. This property is only applied when the 'width' CSS property is not defined. No
multiLine Boolean Displays text across multiple lines No
tabindex Number Tab order attribute, to allow element focus No
tooltip String The tooltip that appears when hovering over the label No
tooltipIcon String The icon for the tooltip No
variant String Variant of ptcs-label. Default: 'label' Yes
verticalAlignment String Sets the vertical alignment. You can specify the following values: flex-start, center, flex-end, stretch, and baseline No
showMoreLabel String The text for the show-button of "show more" No
showLessLabel String The text for the show-button of "show less" No


No events.


The component has Boolean function isTruncated() which returns true when the label text has been truncated because of size constraints, typically in combination with display options single line or multiLine set to true with disclosureControl set to ellipsis.



Part Description
root The container for the label text
label The label container
show-button The 'show more' or 'show less' button


Attribute Description Part
variant Specifies the label variant :host
disabled Specifies whether the list is disabled :host

CSS Variables

Custom property Description Default
--ptcs-label-show-button--more The text for the show-button when part of label is hidden "show more"
--ptcs-label-show-button--less The text for the show-button when hidden text is revealed "show less"