Welcome to ThingWorx Utilities > What’s New in ThingWorx Utilities 8.3.0
What’s New in ThingWorx Utilities 8.3.0
New Features
ThingWorx Software Content Management
This release of ThingWorx Utilities lets you deploy packages to Axeda assets using the corresponding eMessage Connector. Axeda agents cannot parse Lua scripts that are added as a part of file-based packages. For Axeda agents, instructions are defined as a part of the package metadata. For information about creating instruction-based packages, see Create an Instruction-based Package.
The user interface to create packages has changed. To create a file-based package, on the Create Package page, click File-Based Package, and to create an instruction-based package, on the Create Package page, click Instruction-Based Package.
You can modify visibility settings of the File-Based Package tab and the Instruction-Based Package tab, and also choose which tab you want to be auto-selected as default. For more information, see Configuration: Package Types.
With this release, by default, all deployment timeouts are enabled. You cannot disable deployment timeouts. After you upgrade to ThingWorx Utilities 8.3.0, ensure that you review the timeout settings on the Configuration > Deployment page. For more information, see Configuration: Deployment.
Deprecated Utilities
With this release, ThingWorx Asset Management and ThingWorx Alert Management have been deprecated and are no longer being developed. They are still included in this release to support existing customers and will be removed in a future release. Asset and Alert Management functionality has been improved and is now part of the Asset Advisor package. New and existing customers are advised to use Asset Advisor in place of these utilities.
Changes to the ThingWorx Utilities packaging
With this release, the ThingWorx Utilities extension bundle has been repackaged. The utilities are now available as separate extension zip packages:
ThingWorx Utilities Core
You need to install the ThingWorx Utilities Core extensions before you install any of the other extensions.
ThingWorx Workflow Management
ThingWorx Remote Access and Control
ThingWorx Software Content Management
ThingWorx Audit Management
For more information, see the ThingWorx Utilities Installation Guide.
Changes to the Help Center
With this release, you can download and save the sample scripts for file-based packages to the /ThingworxStorage/repository/TW.RSM.Thing.FileRepository directory from the Sample Scripts for File-based Packages topic in this Help Center.
Known Issue
You cannot modify group associations for the Software Content Management menu using the steps documented here.
If you want to modify these group associations, follow the steps under the “Adding Permissions to Menus” section at http://support.ptc.com/help/thingworx_hc/thingworx_8_hc/en/#page/ThingWorx%2FHelp%2FComposer%2FVisualization%2FMenus.html%23.