Re-import Analytics Manager Files
1. In the toolbar at the top, click the Import/Export menu and select Import. The Import dialog box opens.
2. Select From File in the Import Option field and Data from the Import Type field.
3. Click Browse and navigate to the location of the file repository where you exported the data files.
4. Click Import.
The data files are imported. Check the ApplicationLog file, located in the ThingWorxStorage folder, to confirm that the import procedure has completed.
5. Click the
Browse icon (

) on the left and search your list of entities to open the
TW.AnalysisServices.AnalysisHelperFunctions resource.
6. Click on the Services tab to open the AnalysisUtilsSetOffline service.
7. Set the isOffline flag to False and click Execute.
8. For a non-Administrator user, set permissions as follows:
◦ Click the
Browse icon (

) on the left and search your list of entities to open the
TW.AnalysisServices.AnalysisResourceProvider Thing.
◦ On the Services tab, open the AddRunTimePermission service and enter the following parameters:
▪ type – ServiceInvoke
▪ resource – *
▪ principal – Enter a user name associated with the ThingWorx AppKey
▪ principalType – User
◦ Click Execute.
9. Restart the ThingWorx server