Set Maximum File Transfer Size
The Analytics Manager framework uses ThingWorx File Repositories to transfer model files and result files between the ThingWorx server and agents. The maximum file size that can be transferred depends on the configuration of the ThingWorx FileTransferSubsystem. By default, this value is set to 100000000 bytes (100 MB).
You can modify this configuration setting if you want to transfer files larger than the default size. To do this, complete the following steps:
1. In
ThingWorx Composer, click

in the left navigation panel.
2. In the left panel, choose > .
The Subsystems panel is displayed on the right.
3. In the list of subsystems, search for the FileTransferSubsystem subsystem.
4. Select the check box next to the subsystem, and click Edit.
5. Click Configuration.
6. Under File Transfer Settings, modify the value of the Max FileTransfer size (bytes) to a value that you want.
7. Click Save.