Learners it applies to
How many Learners do you want to include?
The number of learners that will be added to the model. If more than one, the system will clone the technique you are defining.
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
Decision Tree
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Neural Network
Random Forest
Gradient Boost
Maximum Depth
The maximum tree depth for each tree. Must be greater than 1.
Decision Tree
Gradient Boost
Random Forest
Number of Iterations
The number of iterations to use. Must be greater than 0.
Gradient Boost
Number of Trees
The number of trees to use. Must be greater than 1.
Random Forest
Hidden Unit %
The percentage of the number of input nodes to use in each hidden layer. Must be between 0 and 1, exclusive to inclusive. Default value is 0.2.
Example: If the default value is used and the input layer has 10 nodes, each hidden layer will contain 10 * 0.2 = 2 hidden nodes.
Neural Network
Layer Count
The number of layers to use in the neural net. A value of 2 means 1 input layer and 1 output. A value of 3 adds a hidden layer and a value of 4 adds a second hidden layer.
Neural Network