Versionshinweise > Version 8.5 – Versionshinweise > Version 8.5.1 Release Notes
Version 8.5.1 Release Notes
The following bug fixes and enhancements are part of ThingWorx 8.5.1.
ThingWorx Flow
ThingWorx Flow 8.5.1 supports the OSLC connector and the following actions:
Get Resource
Get Search Dialog
Get Service Hierarchy
For more information, see OSLC Connector .
Bug Fixes
Related JIRA
Fixed potential security issues with ThingWorx Flow, Composer, and Mashup Builder, as well as additional items proactively identified by vulnerability scanning software or PTC QA testing. Please upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of these important improvements.
Fixed an issue that was causing decreased processing times for infotables.
Exposed the security services (EvaluateVisibilityPermission and SanitizeHTML) to the Extension SDK.
Fixed an issue that was causing the permissions tab in Composer to display incorrectly.
Fixed an issue that was preventing data tables with multiple tags from being exported using the Source Control Entity option. To fix this, the Export Matching Model Tags option was added to the export menu. This option allows you to export data and entities that are tagged with all specified tags or just data and entities that contain at least one of the specified tags.
Fixed an issue with entity services that was causing an exception to be thrown when executed.
Fixed an issue that was causing the timestamp for an alert on the Alert Summary page to change if it was imported and exported.
Mashup Builder
Related JIRA
Fixed an issue with the Advanced Grid widget that was preventing the DoubleClicked event from working.
Fixed an issue that was causing custom chart widgets to load with errors in design time and run time.
Fixed an issue that was preventing mashups from displaying in Edge browsers.
Fixed an issue that was causing chart widgets to only display with black backgrounds.
Fixed an issue that was causing slow loading times for services executed in contained mashups.
Fixed an issue that was causing data to get lost when a mashup was duplicated and exported.
Fixed an issue with the Value Display web component that was causing values with more than two decimal points to get truncated.
Fixed an issue with the Value Display web component that was preventing content that contained ellipses from displaying correctly.
Fixed an issue with the Advanced Grid widget that was causing tooltips to display incorrectly.
Fixed an issue with the Data Export widget that was preventing it from displaying as a button in run time.
Fixed an issue that was causing widgets to display incorrectly in run time.
Fixed an issue with the Data Filter widget that was preventing pop-up dialogs from closing.
Fixed an issue with the File Upload widget that was causing the text in the status message to contain encoded characters.
Fixed an issue that was preventing infotable service attributes from being expanded in Mashup Builder.
Fixed an issue that was causing responsive flex containers to be positioned to the left.