Enum BaseTypes

  • java.lang.Object
    • java.lang.Enum<BaseTypes>
      • com.thingworx.types.BaseTypes
  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable<BaseTypes>

    public enum BaseTypes
    extends java.lang.Enum<BaseTypes>
    This enumeration contains all "types" that the Thingworx API can resolve and process.
    • Enum Constant Detail


        public static final BaseTypes EVENTNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 52. The name of a Event.

        public static final BaseTypes PERSISTENCEPROVIDERPACKAGENAME
        Has a value equivalent of 121. The name of a PersistenceProviderPackage.
      • HTML

        public static final BaseTypes HTML
        Has a value equivalent of 14.
      • TEXT

        public static final BaseTypes TEXT
        Has a value equivalent of 15.

        public static final BaseTypes BASETYPENAME
        Has a value equivalent of 107. The name of a BaseTypes.

        public static final BaseTypes HYPERLINK
        Has a value equivalent of 11.
      • USERNAME

        public static final BaseTypes USERNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 108. The name of a User.
      • NOTHING

        public static final BaseTypes NOTHING
        Has a value equivalent of -1. Has no base type.
      • SCHEDULE

        public static final BaseTypes SCHEDULE
        Has a value equivalent of 17.

        public static final BaseTypes CATEGORYNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 110. The name of a Category.

        public static final BaseTypes MASHUPNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 105. The name of a Mashup.

        public static final BaseTypes PERSISTENCEPROVIDERNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 122. The name of a PersistenceProvider.

        public static final BaseTypes DATASHAPENAME
        Has a value equivalent of 104. The name of a DataShape.

        public static final BaseTypes NETWORKNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 115. The name of a Network.
      • QUERY

        public static final BaseTypes QUERY
        Has a value equivalent of 9.

        public static final BaseTypes MODELTAGVOCABULARYNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 113. The name of a ModelTagVocabulary.

        public static final BaseTypes DATATAGVOCABULARYNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 114. The name of a DataTagVocabulary.

        public static final BaseTypes THINGSHAPENAME
        Has a value equivalent of 101. The name of a ThingShape.

        public static final BaseTypes PROPERTYNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 50. The name of a property.

        public static final BaseTypes STYLETHEMENAME
        Has a value equivalent of 130. The name of a StyleTheme.

        public static final BaseTypes THINGGROUPNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 99. The name of a ThingGroup.

        public static final BaseTypes SERVICENAME
        Has a value equivalent of 51. The name of a service.

        public static final BaseTypes THINGNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 100. The name of a Thing.

        public static final BaseTypes GROUPNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 109. The name of a Group.

        public static final BaseTypes ORGANIZATIONNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 119. The name of a Organization.
      • MENUNAME

        public static final BaseTypes MENUNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 106. The name of a Menu.

        public static final BaseTypes PROJECTNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 123. The name of a Project.

        public static final BaseTypes STATEDEFINITIONNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 111. The name of a Category.

        public static final BaseTypes DASHBOARDNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 120. The name of a Dashboard.

        public static final BaseTypes STYLEDEFINITIONNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 112. The name of a Category.

        public static final BaseTypes MEDIAENTITYNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 116. The name of a MediaEntity.

        public static final BaseTypes LOCALIZATIONTABLENAME
        Has a value equivalent of 118. The name of a LocalizationTable.

        public static final BaseTypes THINGTEMPLATENAME
        Has a value equivalent of 102. The name of a ThingTemplate.

        public static final BaseTypes APPLICATIONKEYNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 117. The name of a ApplicationKey.

        public static final BaseTypes NOTIFICATIONCONTENTNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 128. The name of a NotificationContent.

        public static final BaseTypes NOTIFICATIONDEFINITIONNAME
        Has a value equivalent of 129. The name of a NotificationDefinition.

        public static final BaseTypes IMAGELINK
        Has a value equivalent of 12.
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.util.Collection<BaseTypes> INDEXABLE_PROPERTY_TYPES

        public static final java.util.Collection<BaseTypes> UNINDEXABLE_PROPERTY_TYPES
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static BaseTypes[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (BaseTypes c : BaseTypes.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static BaseTypes valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • fromFriendlyName

        public static BaseTypes fromFriendlyName​(java.lang.String friendlyName)

        Constructs a BaseTypes from its friendly name equivalent.
        friendlyName - A friendly name String equivalent of the BaseTypes enumeration.
        The enumeration BaseTypes of the friendly name String provided, or null if the friendly name String is not recognized.
      • ConvertToObject

        public static java.lang.Object ConvertToObject​(java.lang.Object data,
                                                       BaseTypes coreTypeID)
                                                throws java.lang.Exception
        java.lang.Exception - If an error occurs
      • supportsFullTextSearch

        public static boolean supportsFullTextSearch​(BaseTypes baseType)

        Returns false if given base type does not support full text search otherwise returns true. This method is useful in finding out whether or not to index given field for full text search.