Operator Dashboard Settings
To use the Operator Dashboard, ALL MODELS (Product Change, Job Order, Production, Waste, Downtime) must be configured.
The Operator Dashboard has two main configuration toggles:
RunWithoutWorkOrderInformation—Allows users to toggle between two different modes: "work order" and "no work order". This is a system-wide setting, meaning every site hosted on the instance is affected. If no work order is chosen, all work units will be prevented from capturing work order information. In place of the work order panel, the operator dashboard will display a product panel, allowing users to change the running product.
CalculateAverageRateByTime—Allows users to toggle the Operator Dashboard display rate by units/hr or the time it takes to produce a unit. This is a system-wide setting, meaning every site hosted on the instance is affected.
To modify either of the above settings, complete the following steps:
1. Search for and open the PTC.FSU.CORE.GlobalConfiguration.GlobalConfiguration_TG Thing:
2. Navigate to the Configuration tab.
3. Search for RunWithoutWorkOrderInformation and select the box to set "work order" or clear the box for "no work order".
4. Search for CalculateAverageRateByTime and select the box to display units/hr or clear the box to display the time it takes to produce a unit.
5. ONLY APPLICABLE TO THE RTPPM 2.0.2 (October 2022) RELEASE: Search for Miscellaneous and select the CreateValueStreamToPurgeRecords checkbox to ensure records are properly purged. Any values recorded by the value stream of these equipment/models will never be purged when this is disabled. When re-enabled, some values may remain and would need to be purged manually.
If the PTC.FSU.CORE.EventModel.PurgeValueStream_SL scheduler Thing is disabled, all values processed during that time will be purged once the scheduler thing is restarted.
6. ONLY APPLICABLE TO THE RTPPM 2.0.2 (October 2022) RELEASE: Search for Miscellaneous and clear the EnableModelProcessDelayTime checkbox
7. ONLY APPLICABLE TO THE RTPPM 2.0.2 (October 2022) RELEASE: Search for Miscellaneous and set the ModelProcessDelayTimeInSeconds field to 30 seconds.
The configurations in step 6 and 7 will add a latency to values being processed. For any values, the system will wait the amount of seconds defined by ModelProcessDelayTimeInSeconds before processing it. For a delay of 30 seconds, a value arriving at 1:00:00 will only be processed starting at 1:00:30. This delay gives ThingWorx more time to process the values from the Industrial Connection and make sure that they are in sequence before we start reading them.
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