Troubleshooting Solution Central Issues > Instance Registration Failure
Instance Registration Failure
If the registration of your instance is not successful, you are notified by an error message. The following solutions may be helpful:
If an error is displayed stating that your registration is not successful and suggests you to retry registering after some time, wait for some time and then click Update Registration again using your existing certificate. If the registration is still not successful, preregister your instance again with Solution Central and then retry instance registration. Refer to the Preregister a ThingWorx Instance topic for instructions on preregistration.
Try upgrading your JDK version to 11.0.12. A potential reason for an unsuccessful registration is that Java may be unable to read the algorithm used to encrypt the sc-keystore file you created using tools such as OpenSSL or KeyStore Explorer. Upgrading your JDK version can help resolve this issue.
If you used KeyStore Explorer to create the keystore and keypair, verify whether their passwords match.
If you come across an error stating that Solution Central is unable to fetch the access token, review your firewall configuration. Ensure that your firewall allows outbound requests to at ports 80 and 443. For detailed information on configuring your firewall, refer to the following Azure documentation: Allow the Azure portal URLs on your firewall or proxy server.
If you still are unable to resolve the error, contact PTC Technical Support.
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