ThingWorx Remote Access Client (RAC) > Troubleshooting Remote Access > Remote Access Client (RAC) Symptoms, Causes, and Actions
Remote Access Client (RAC) Symptoms, Causes, and Actions
Each section below uses the symptom as its title and then provides the cause and actions to take to resolve the situation.
Remote Access Client fails to launch 
CAUSE: The host operating system requires additional libraries to run the Remote Access Client.
ACTION: The solution depends on the operating system Although atypical, issues like this have been more common with Linux. Here are two common installation issues that have been resolved:
Ubuntu — Install lib-gtk2.0 via apt: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
CentOS — Update Yum libraries with the following command and then restart:
yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=base,updates update
Remote Access fails to connect 
SYMPTOM: In Agent log with “Log buffer activity“ and “Log outgoing messages“ turned on:
ACTION: Search for the remote session request, RConnection.StartApplication in the Agent log. The request will be immediately followed by an agent response that contains an error status code, sc="c0000002". Here is an excerpt from the log:

NOTE: Request from Emessage Connector:
[ 0, 1, 7, 457] 03-18-2020 14:12:41.882 DEBUG EEnterpriseProxy: Received message (1056 bytes) from [ServerURL]:
<RConnection.StartApplication mn="Axeda_693" sn="Asset_1" cmdId="Asset_1_1_axeda-INVOKE-Services-ConnectToSession-1c6f7e41-94ae-430b-92a1-6222d0ef26c9#36#3" .../>

NOTE: ERROR Response to Emessage Connector:
[ 0, 1, 7, 201] 03-18-2020 14:12:41.882 DEBUG EEnterpriseProxy: Received SOAP command status: model: Axeda_693, serial number: Asset_1
[ 0, 1, 7, 233] 03-18-2020 14:12:42.134 DEBUG EEnterpriseProxy: Posting message (347 bytes) to :
<eMessage id="36" rc="0" v="6.9.3">
<SOAPStatus cmdId="Asset_1_1_axeda-INVOKE-Services-ConnectToSession-1c6f7e41-94ae-430b-92a1-6222d0ef26c9#36#3" sc="c0000002" xsc=""
t="2020-03-18T13:12:41.882Z" userId="Administrator"/>
SOLUTION: Follow one of these steps:
Verify the Agent has the proper Remote Access endpoints configured. From Axeda Builder, select Settings > Remote Sessions to verify that the sessions are configured properly.
Using Axeda Builder, correct any configuration that appears incorrect, save the configuration, and download it to the Agent.
From the Agent configuration files, verify that configurations exist in the Application.xml file for non-terminal remote desktop sessions. For example:

<Application name="app" launch="auto">
<Port type="listen">5920</Port>
For Terminal sessions (SSH, for example), check the Interfaces.xml configuration file:

<Interface name="term" type="network" launch="ssh">
If any of the information is incorrect and you understand the XML code of these configuration files, you can change the host name or port in the files, save them, and download them to the Agent. If you are unsure of the XML, use Axeda Builder to change the configuration.
Session Doesn't Start - GAS Timeout 
If a remote session request is not approved at the Policy Server after 10 minutes or so, the session is timeout out by the Global Access Server (GAS). There is a configurable timeout in the file for the GAS that specifies the number of seconds from the initial communication with GAS until the full session is running before the session is considered stale and times out. The default value for this property is 610 seconds.
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