ThingWorx Remote Access Extension > Using the RemoteAccessClientLinker Widget > RemoteAccessProvider providerConfig Property Details
RemoteAccessProvider providerConfig Property Details
Each type of RemoteAccessProvider in ThingWorx has two types of providerConfig properties:
Remote endpoint providerConfig
Remote session providerConfig
These properties are JSON blobs that contain information about the remote endpoint that the session is connecting with and the parameters for the remote session. The following sections provide details about these two properties for each type of RemoteAccessProvider. Click the title of a section to display the content that describes the providerConfig for your RemoteAccessProvider. To hide the content, click the title again.
Global Access Server (GASRemoteAccessProvider) 
Here is the default JSON-formatted providerConfig of the remote endpoint for a GAS RemoteAccessProvider:

"description": "Some description of the endpoint",
"connectionInformation": {
// info from the connectionInformation data shape
"launchOption": "some option",
"browserSecure": true,
"browserAbsolutePath": "some/path"
The connectionInformation comes from the ConnectionInformation Data Shape in JSON format. For example:

"startPort": 1024,
"endPort": 1255",
"type": "A"
For a GAS RemoteAccessProvider, the session providerConfig has one default parameter value:

"useInternalHostname": true
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