Fixed Issues
• Fixed potential security issues, including items proactively identified by vulnerability scanning software or PTC Quality Assurance testing. Please upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of these important improvements.
Tracking Number
• Fixed an issue that was preventing an Industrial Thing from connecting with Kepware.
• Fixed an issue that was prevent a custom service from executing correctly against a network.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing a LONG base type from being converted to a STRING.
• Fixed an issue that was causing the AddorUpdateDatatableEntries service to reset the datetime property to its default value if nothing was assigned.
• Fixed an issue that was causing failures after importing extensions after upgrading.
• Fixed an issue that was causing warning messages to display when editing a service on a Thing Shape.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing values from being updated on an Industrial Connection Thing.
• Fixed an issue with the SearchDevices service that was causing it to use the maxItems parameter incorrectly.
• Fixed an issue that was causing an upgrade from 8.2 to 8.5.3 on PostgreSQL to get stuck waiting on database queries.
• Fixed an issue with the ExtractZipArchive service that was causing an error when extracting files with special characters in the filename.
• Fixed an issue that was causing the Edge to get flooded with synchronizeState events that corresponded to actions performed before the Thing was connected.
• Fixed an issue that was causing the incorrect password policy to be enforced.
• Fixed an issue that was causing a concurrent invocation of the GetImplementingThingWithData service to cause a platform outage when PASSWORD properties were returned.
• Fixed an issue that was causing a parameter defined on expression and validation functions with a default value to get returned as undefined.
• Fixed an issue that was causing a possible deadlock scenario during entity deletion processes.
• Fixed an issue that was causing a SQL query in Database Thing to fail if it contained a comment with a "--[[thingName]]" format. Refer to Thing Services for more information on best practices.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing an Industrial Gateway value stream from being exported.
• Fixed an issue with the Advanced Grid widget that was preventing sorting from working correctly.
• Fixed an issue that was causing an error when accessing a mashup URL with more than 512 characters.
• Fixed an issue with the QueryStreamEntries service that was preventing any entries from being returned if the fieldName specified in the query was from a Data Shape.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing an extension from being deleted if it was imported twice using a different case in the name in Windows. To fix this, ThingWorx no longer permits the install of an extension where its ExtensionPackage entity has a name with casing from the ExtensionPackage that's currently installed. This is due to how Windows handles folder naming (by allowing two different folders of the same name but with different case). This causes issues with ThingWorx on Windows when a newer version of an extension is being installed, but its Extension Package's name has a different case.
• Fixed an issue that was allowing the creation of and binding to an ephemeral thing within ThingWorx that had an identical name to another thing if the case was different.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing a user infotable property from being set and not sending the infotable definition with the property when edited.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing a localization token from being used for the reset password email option.
• Fixed an issue that could cause possible data loss in the Java SDK between two calls to NotifyPropertyUpdate.
Tracking Number
• Fixed an issue where there was no scrollbar for Connected Users section in the Monitoring menu.
• Fixed an issue that was not showing the mashup tab for Data Tables if an entity was exported from an 8.3 release.
Mashup Builder
Tracking Number
• Fixed an issue that was preventing a dynamic panel widget from being resized at run time on an iPad.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing nested infotables from receiving data when they were bound on a mashup.
• Fixed an issue that was causing scrollbars if a shape widget was used within the Collection widget.
• Fixed an issue that was causing unexpected expression evaluations.
• Fixed an issue with the Link widget web component that was causing it to redirect to the incorrect link.
• Fixed an issue that was causing unintended bindings to other items after binding to a loaded mashup.
• Fixed an issue with the Menu widget that was preventing it from closing after navigating from the menu.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing flex containers from working correctly.
• Fixed an issue with the Image widget web component that was preventing the thumbnail image from displaying.
• Fixed an issue that was causing the My Tasks app in Navigate to display a blank page.
• Fixed an issue that was causing an error if start date or end date filters were applied when using the QueryPropertyHistory service in a mashup.
• Fixed an issue when binding a json property from GetProperties that was causing the complete json response to get bound instead of just the property value.
• Fixed an issue with the Data Export widget that was preventing data from being exported on mobile browsers.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing the grow ratio of containers from working as expected when used in a collection.
• Fixed an issue with the navigation function that was preventing the Full Screen option from working correctly.
• Fixed an issue with the Menu widget that was preventing menu items from staying in the same position when navigating between menus.
• Fixed an issue with the Menu widget that was causing the drop-down menu to remain on the screen after collapsing the container.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing the style theme from being applied to the Menu widget.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing events from triggering on the Button web component.
• Fixed an issue with the Collection widget that was preventing properties from being reflected in the properties section after the widget was bound to data.
• Fixed an issue with the Menu widget that was preventing an accordion sub menu from collapsing when another menu was selected.
• Fixed an issue with the Dropdown widget that was causing the SelectedRowChange event to get triggered twice when multi-select was active.
• Fixed an issue with the Image web component that was preventing an image from displaying if there was a space in the sourceURL field.
• Fixed an issue with the Fieldset widget that was preventing the title from displaying if the mashup was being viewed in a pop up screen.
• Fixed an issue with Chart widgets that was causing the secondary Y-axis to disappear when changing the orientation from vertical to horizontal.
• Fixed an issue that was causing a background mashup to scroll up when opening a pop up window.
• Fixed an issue with the Collection widget that was preventing data from being displayed if ItemLoadBehavior was set to Load all.
• Fixed an issue with the Collection widget that was preventing the SelectedItems property from working if the SortField property was not set.
• Fixed an issue that was causing container styles from a contained mashup to get applied to another contained mashup in run time if the flexcontainer ID was the same.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing the SelectedRowsChanged event from being triggered if a multiple layer model pop up window was open.
• Fixed an issue that was causing an error if the start or end date filters were applied when using QueryPropertyHistory in a mashup.
• Fixed an issue with the Menu widget that was causing a drop down menu to remain on screen after collapsing the container.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing the visual SDK widget extension from working with d3js.
• Fixed an issue that was causing an infotable to be returned instead of JSON in mashups where the service output type is JSON.
Tracking Number
• Fixed an issue that was preventing a workflow from being edited after being imported from ThingWorx 8.5.
• Fixed an issue that was preventing the flow-deploy-settings commands from working with the app key option.